ARDESTO: Загорніться в атмосферу тепла і затишку!

Home News ARDESTO: Загорніться в атмосферу тепла і затишку!

Сьогодні, кожен з нас проявляє мужність та стійкість, разом ми йдемо до перемоги. Проте, ми знаємо, що навіть найвідважніші супергерої потребують затишку. Тому ми доповнили асортимент товарів ERC теплими та пухнастими пледами Ardesto.

У холодну пору року, при вимушених відключеннях електроенергії та у разі необхідності перечекати тривогу, плед стане особливо у нагоді. Ми підібрали теплі і водночас легкі та компактні пледи, які буде зручно взяти з собою у будь-яку мандрівку.

Усі пледи виконано з високоякісної мікрофібри - тонкої нитки, яка робить продукт м’яким та приємним на дотик. Це сучасний синтетичний матеріал, який добре тримає тепло, пропускає повітря і не накопичує вологу.

Плед висохне за годину після прання, тканина не буде линяти, скочуватися і навіть вицвітати на сонці. Мікрофібра не являє жодного інтересу для молі або інших комах, тому можна залишити плед де завгодно і на довгий час.

Пледи рятують від протягів і поганого настрою. Але є ще одна функція для особливого випадку – плед це універсальний подарунок, який покаже вашу турботу про близьку людину. Гарний подарунок можна обрати за кольором, тисненням та за розміром на будь-який смак. А дизайн з тваринками точно зацікавить малечу.

А найважливіше те, що Ardesto використовує тільки екологічно чисті матеріали, гіпоалергенні та цілком безпечні для здоров’я.

Загортайтеся самі, та загортайте того, хто поруч!

Products from publication
414 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
372 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
659 UAH*
in stock
The Embossed throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Embossed blankets are easy to care for, do not lose color and shape after washing, and will bring joy to use for a long time. Geometric embossing gives the product elegance and sophistication. The design is suitable as a bedspread and will emphasize the refined taste of the owner.
859 UAH*
in stock
The Embossed throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Embossed blankets are easy to care for, do not lose color and shape after washing, and will bring joy to use for a long time. Geometric embossing gives the product elegance and sophistication. The design is suitable as a bedspread and will emphasize the refined taste of the owner.
659 UAH*
in stock
The Embossed throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Embossed blankets are easy to care for, do not lose color and shape after washing, and will bring joy to use for a long time. Geometric embossing gives the product elegance and sophistication. The design is suitable as a bedspread and will emphasize the refined taste of the owner.
499 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
372 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
576 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
372 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
576 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
769 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
564 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
499 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
769 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
372 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
599 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. The adorable design with corgi puppies will appeal to both children and those who want to add positivity to their surroundings.
599 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
414 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
749 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
414 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
414 UAH*
in stock
The Flannel throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Discreet checkered design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics.
859 UAH*
in stock
The Embossed throw collection is made of high quality microfiber, silky and pleasant to the touch. The blankets are very light and at the same time very warm, it is difficult to find a microfiber competitor in terms of heat storage. Use as a fluffy cape, another layer of insulation while you sleep, or as a decorative element. Embossed blankets are easy to care for, do not lose color and shape after washing, and will bring joy to use for a long time. Geometric embossing gives the product elegance and sophistication. The design is suitable as a bedspread and will emphasize the refined taste of the owner.
Products catalog
Products catalog